Submit a Recipe

Do you have something you cook that your family just loves?

Why not share it? We love cooking and eating new dishes.

We are building a huge database of all sorts of recipes from our community and around the web. Eventually we will be able to attach these recipes to our grocery list at the Peanut Butter List so you can not only try new foods but find them at their lowest prices as well.

We are just starting to gather all of the recipes and information for these pages, so if you know of a great site or great recipe please share it with us.

There's a Recipe Submission Form on the right side of this blog. Just fill out the form and click submit and we'll share your recipe with the world. You can also load an image of the finished dish and/or a document file of your recipe.

Once we've reviewed it we will share it with our community on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and on the main site.

Thanks for helping us build our community and sharing this blog and the with everyone!